Concrete Blog

The Pritzker Prize: Honoring the Visionaries Who Shape Our World

The Pritzker Architecture Prize, often described as the "Nobel of Architecture," celebrates those who sculpt our cities with visionary brilliance and bold innovation.

This award not only honors the architects who reimagine our spaces but also ignites a global dialogue about the transformative power of their work.

Anna Lloyd Jones: The Maternal Plinth of Frank Lloyd Wright
Discover the untold story of Anna Lloyd Jones, the visionary mother behind Frank Lloyd Wright, one of the most iconic architects of the 20th century. From her early days in Wales to her profound influence on her son's revolutionary designs, Anna's role as an educator and a muse contributed immensely to shaping the philosophy of modern architecture. Dive into our detailed blog post to explore how Anna's educational strategies and her nurturing support not only influenced Frank Lloyd Wright's famous "organic architecture" but also set a foundation that would forever alter the landscape of American architecture. Celebrate Mother's Day by uncovering the legacy of Anna Lloyd Jones—how a mother's influence can extend beyond a family and into the very concrete and steel of our daily lives.
Tadao Ando: The Concrete Poet of Modern Architecture
In the realm of contemporary architecture, Tadao Ando stands out as a figure whose works embody the harmonious blend of Japanese tradition with modernist design. This blog post explores the life, philosophy, and seminal works of Tadao Ando, a self-taught architect who has become synonymous with minimalist design, innovative use of concrete, and the profound incorporation of natural light.