Concrete Blog

The Pritzker Prize: Honoring the Visionaries Who Shape Our World

The Pritzker Architecture Prize, often described as the "Nobel of Architecture," celebrates those who sculpt our cities with visionary brilliance and bold innovation.

This award not only honors the architects who reimagine our spaces but also ignites a global dialogue about the transformative power of their work.

Marvels of Concrete: 5 Iconic Buildings That Redefine Architecture
Concrete, a fundamental element in architecture, bridges ancient marvels like Rome's Pantheon with modernist expressions such as Tokyo's National Museum of Western Art.

These structures exemplify concrete's enduring influence in reshaping architectural landscapes, blending strength with aesthetic innovation.
Unlocking the Secrets of Ancient Roman Concrete for Modern Construction
Discover how MIT's study on Roman concrete reveals ancient techniques for modern, durable construction.